
  Subject: Dr. Rand Paul Honors Hunter’s Bar-B-Q of Albany, Kentucky, as Senate Small Business of the Week FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 16, 2021 Contact:, 202-224-4343 Dr. Rand Paul Honors Hunter’s Bar-B-Q of Albany, Kentucky, as Senate Small Business of the Week WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul...

Hell Along the Border by Ron Soodalter “Murders for old grudges, and murders for pelf, proceed under any cloak that will best cover for the occasion.” — Abraham Lincoln After the October 1864 Battle of Saltville in Virginia, Union Lt. Elza C. Smith of the 13th Kentucky Cavalry lay...

Lake Cumberland is a part of the chain of lakes in Kentucky and Tennessee constructed by the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Army Corps of Engineers. . It is located in South Central Kentucky easily accessible in less than an hour from Interstate Highway 75...

First Settlers in Clinton County As far as can be ascertained through the dim mist that surrounds, its early period, Clinton county's first permanent white settler was Thomas Stockton, Sr., after whom Stocktons valley took its name. Only the barest details concerning this sturdy old pioneer...

Dale Hollow Lake is one of the most popular man-made lakes in the South. But how did it get its name? The Corps of Engineers had the policy of naming dams for their location. In this case, studies proved the best site for the dam...

Clinton County was formed on February 20, 1835, from parts of Wayne and Cumberland counties. Clinton County was the 85th county formed in Kentucky and is said to be named after Gov. DeWitt Clinton, of New York. Clinton County has an area of 205 square miles,...

We are excited to announce the launch of our brand new website at We hope you find this website useful, informative, and easy to use. We are excited about sharing all the Clinton County, Kentucky has to offer and hope you'll explore our website...